BRATISLAVA – The World Cup in Jasna, which will take place next month, has received a compromise financial injection from the state. The Sports Support Fund, based on the proposal of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research, and Sport, approved a contribution of €765,000 to the organizers of the largest skiing event, which is roughly twenty percent of the event's budget. The agreement was confirmed today by the State Secretary for Sport at the Ministry of Education Ján Krišanda, ZSL President Martin Paško, as well as Radoslav Jenčuš, the director of the Sports Support Fund.
"We must find a methodical approach in this direction. The fund will provide a maximum of 20 percent of the event's budget. The amount of €765,000 is the maximum we can provide," said Radoslav Jenčuš at Thursday's briefing. The World Cup in Jasna (January 20–21, 2024) will be the first event in Slovakia to receive support from the Sports Support Fund.
About €135,000 less
It is not as much as ZSL requested – they asked for €900,000 – but Martin Paško nevertheless did not hide his satisfaction. "Thank you. These funds will allow us to organize the races according to the requirements of the International Ski Federation (FIS). We have a commitment from partners that we will be able to finance the remaining amount," he said, adding that if the World Cup generates a profit, the saved money will be returned to the fund. "They will be available for other sports events," Paško added.
According to Ján Krišanda, the provided amount is a compromise. "We were looking for clear and readable criteria for supporting this event. In the future, things will be defined so that it is clear how much organizers of sports events will be able to request." The agenda will now be handled by the new Ministry of Sport, which is expected to be established soon.